Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Todays' Brunch

Vegetarian Soup Cup Noodles + an Apple + an Orange

Always get headache what to eat for the day. So, just manage to grab a cup noodles from kitchen for brunch.

An Apple a day, keep the doctor away!

An Orange a day, keep pimples away too!

Health is wealth. So, would prepare better meal by tomorrow ^-^


Unknown said...

Yeah Ally i have the same trouble of wat to eat and where to eat each day at lunch. Since i moved to flat, i am not able to drive home for lunch. so i eat outside in hotels each day. I am getting sick of outside food every day, but no other option.
and yes i have a better 1, read below....

A handsome DOCTOR a day, keep the APPLE away :)

Happy Survivor said...

Haha....I love your "golden phrase" of Dr Vs Apple. Very funny ^o^....Having lunch in the hotel? Wah..thats sound great for me. I just can cook at home & take to office ^-^