Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Life = Drive

I have been so busy & frustrated these days. I really hope everything will be end by next week.

Living is just like driving, always look & moving forward to your destination. When you are driving on the road, you would have to stop when the light turn to red. While you are stopping, it is your time for a break & to think. You could keep on your journey when it is green. There is all kind of scenes along your way, no matter how terrible it is, as long as you are moving forward, non-stop; you would definitely reach your destination.

It is just like working & living. To archive our goal, we may have to works smart & hard. No matter what happen in the process, as long as you are clearly understand the right direction you are ahead with, any dream can be come true someday.


Unknown said...

STOP you are driving in life too fast, here is ur speeding ticket :)

yeah Ally its true, just the same thing day in day out, days, weeks, months all passing by in the same way.

Happy Survivor said...

Simple day is happy day & Happy can be in a simple way ^-^ Wish u happy everyday Mansoor.

snoopy said...

why you and your friend mansoor, seems like a very old people living on the earth....Where are the good thing on earth?

Unknown said...

heyyyyyyyyyyy snooooooooopy Ally is not oldddddddddd, but yes you are right, am very olddddd .........haha

and Ally where are your blogs i come after 7 days and still no new blogs :)) i miss them my friend.....haha!

Happy Survivor said...

Dear Pretty Snoopy,
Yes, you are right. I am getting older now >o<. Anyway, I would keep searching for the nice thing on this planet.

Dear Handsome Mansoor,
I have been so busy these days, thats why didnt write. No worry, I would work harder ^-^