Friday, April 27, 2007

20 Things To Do In 20s ( For Girls )

I’ve bought quite numbers of magazines but sometimes was unable to finish reading before the new issue published. Since I’ve plenty of time, I’ve recovered the below article.

Have you ever plan or aim your score for your 20s? I have though about it but don’t really draw it out. Perhaps the below tips could inspiring me for the rest of my 20s.

1. Be your own fashion stylist - Know the colours and styles you look the best – expand those themes. Complete your kit with a few good handbags, earrings and shoes and a stand-out accessory or two to wear often – people will come to identify you with it.

2. Globetrot - You must travel to at least 3 or 4 foreign lands just to see what life is like on the other side of Greenwich. ( ) – This is what I’ve been planned for a long time.

3. Know your accessories - Accessories like diamonds ( ) & gemstones ( ) those are suited to your pesona, charater & style

4. Narrow your chum list - Filter your friends’ list & drop off the less-important friendships – troublesome chums. Not being selfish but it’s just growing up.

5. Have a Plan B - Contingency or alternative plan when something out of your control happen ( such as lose job, discover a New Age religion or get dump ). Touch wood!

6. No more pity dates – You certainly have the right to say NO to the guys that you are not interested in.

7. Have a favourite wine – Educate yourself about wines at .

8. Cook – Please, not instant noodles. Have at least 4 or 5 dishes you can cook relatively well.

9. Save – Besides EPF savings, you should have a secondary retirement plan, either fixed deposit ( short-term ) or property ( long-term ). Would a car counted?

10. No more bitchiness – Don’t get into catfights. Resolve differences by smiling & keeping an open mind.

11. Be man independent – The self-assured, independent 20-something woman is irresistible to men ^-^

12. Remember names – Don’t make others think that you don’t care.

13. Wear high heels – Have at least 3 pairs of 2 inch heels in your wardrobe, and one sexy, black four inch pair of stilettos to wear on lucky dates.

14. Lose the body art – Say goodbye to your lip, tongue & eyebrow studs.

15. Be your own alarm clock – Please stop relying on your mum to wake you up in the morning. ( Perhaps should change to cellphone’s alarm ^-^ )

16. Know your car – Not just jump in & drive away, but should be able to change a tyre, top up the engine oil, inspect park plugs & change a fuse by yourself. Exciting? I am still learning.

17. Care for your nails – Being a woman means caring for how you look top-to-toe, no exclusions. In particulars, nails speak volumes about your personal grooming habits. So, what’s yours colour?

18. Keep current – Always keep yourself up-to-date with current affairs.

19. Know your music – Robbie William, Britney Spears, Kelly Clarkson, S.H.E, F4, May Day…whatever…Just pick up on the music for grown-ups.

20. Know your government – Try to at least keep abreast of developments at the top tier of the federal government so you know which minister is now in charge of which department, and what initiatives the government is pushing through, and who you should vote for the next elections ^-^


snoopy said...

Hi Ally, dont you think it is too many thing to do for your 20s? I didn't do that much...:P

Happy Survivor said...

More choices more variety...^-^